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How are Payment Companies Growth Hacking

How are Payment Companies Growth Hacking in the Fight to Dominate QR Code Payments?
Imagine this –

You are damn hungry and walk into a Juice Shop.

You order a freshly made juice of Egyptian oranges and multi-grain cheesy grilled sandwich with chopped olives and jalapenos.

After finishing up the tasty sandwich & the fresh juice, you take out your phone to pay for the order and point at the QR code.

Which app are you using to make the payment?

It could be PhonePe, Google Pay or If you are like me then it will be PayTM.

You are most likely to see the QR code of PayTM, PhonePe or BharatPe because they are fighting really hard to be there.

The Biggest Challege of the Payment companies
It is really tiresome and expensive for the payment companies to acquire merchants for offline QR code payments.

They have to deploy thousands of people on the street to paste unique QR code for each merchant or convince them to place their QR code stand on the counter.

It does not end with the acquisition. They have to reacquire them because their QR code gets frequently replaced by some other payment company’s QR code.

Growth hacking
How are Payment Companies Growth Hacking

How are Payment Companies Growth Hacking
