
While the world is struggling in fighting a dangerous pandemic, domestic violence against women doubled in Colombia from March through June of 2020. A significant total of 104 women were murdered, including Daniela Quiñones. This tragedy, in particular, encouraged hundreds of protests in reaction, on it's majority by women. 

But what about men?​​​​​​​
Meanwhile, this was happening 
on social media in June.

“Walking in fear when you're alone at night.”​​​​​​​
“Hiding my wounds and making up stories to justify them.”

We took Faceapp global trend as an opportunity to show what it really means to be a woman in Colombia. Thousands of men have questioned what it might feel like being a woman, so we created a social media movement that made men reflect on how a tragedy is becoming something so normal. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

We started a conversation that we hope will never end.
Are you still wondering how it feels
to be an abused woman? #ItWouldBeLike ​​​​​​​
CEO: Catalina Sánchez
CSO: Luis Fernando Dugan
CCO: Santiago Cuesta
Creative Director: Andrés Bolivar
Associate Creative Director: Cristian Forero [Yustis]
Art Director: Andrés Gómez Huertas
Copywriter: Santiago Gómez H
Motion Graphics: Dariella Pietri
Planner: Jose Gil
Sound Design: Estudios Machina
Community Manager: Alejandro Mahecha
Photography: Timothy Barlin, Awab Husameldin, Engin Akyurt.