Sensory Me
An Experience
The more senses that we employ when telling a story, the more that story will be remembered.

I chose to tell some of my story by interacting viewers with senses contained in five handcrafted boxes. The boxes were inspired by the
Friedrich Froebel's kindergarten gifts of the late 19th century. These gifts were simple items that reinforced concepts with physical exploration and the freedom to truly learn that comes with play.

I revisited where I played and worked as a child to make these boxes, my father's wood shop.

The boxes were meant to be experienced in person. So, please imagine the scents, sights, sounds, textures, and tastes. These elements of experience create the strongest memories. What food or scent makes you remember a moment when you were five?
Sensory Self Branding
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Sensory Self Branding

For my graduation show at the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design I created five sensory boxes to tell my personal story. The boxes were ins 詳細を表示

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