collage by Snezhana Khromets
I was commissioned to make a ceramic head to illustrate an article on Zaborona. It's an investigation by Kateryna Sergatskova, the editor-in-chief of Zaborona, who tried to find the girl and her two sons, who missed in 2017 in Iraq, and tells what obstacles relatives of the most hated people in the world have to overcome.

Kateryna came up with conception of making a sculpture of the missing person, similar to ancient time's traditions when people believed in a power of the image and how it influences the reality. Somewhat, we made an idol to make kind of a mental connection with a missed girl. Also, making idols is strictly prohibited in that place where our heroine got stuck, so we're breaking it's rules. I deeply hope this work somehow will help to find the girl or her sons. 

This project was very emotional and means a lot to me. I'm thankful  to Kateryna Sergatskova for this opportunity.

Art direction: Kateryna Sergatskova 
Sculptor: Tasha Levytska 
Shooting, processing: Snezhana Khromets
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Editorial ceramics


Editorial ceramics

Sculpture made for an article about people lost in the Islamic State.
