Perfil de Shusuke Oda

那須大亮 / Daisuke Nasu | YouTube Channel

那須大亮 / Nasu Daisuke YouTube Channel

Produced Japan's first soccer player to enter YouTube.Since the opening of the channel in July 2018, more than 800 videos centered on soccer have been released, and the total number of views has exceeded 200 million. ) (as of January 2023). One of the most popular projects is to visit the soccer clubs of high schools across the country, including Aomori Yamada High School, where Nasu actually participates in club practice together and cheers on the players. I am getting it. We are promoting a wide range of activities through YouTube, such as being an official ambassador for the J.And in fact, Japan National Team Coach Hajime Moriyasu said directly, "Thank you for your efforts to popularize soccer."
期間 :2020.04~ 
担当 :企画/ディレクション/撮影  
period : April 2022-
role : plan/direction/shoot
[Dream collaboration!] No.1 free-kickers Shunsuke Nakamura and Yasuhito Endo appear!! Gorgeous kick target showdown!
[Super High School Level!] Right before the championship! An infiltration of Aomori Yamada High School's soccer club on a day of physical training!!
那須大亮 / Daisuke Nasu | YouTube Channel

那須大亮 / Daisuke Nasu | YouTube Channel


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