Gabriel Coelho's profile

Website: Planejados M&M

Planejados M&M brings to their work a certain level of uniqueness, attention to detail and elegance. As a new custom made furniture brand, they needed a website to showcase their services and their work.

Starting off with the right foot, with a website built from scratch, following the best and most modern practices and trends that bubble up the web design world today. Take a look at the process and the results in this case!
This website was developed with mobile devices in mind, and in first plane. Therefore, from the first sketches to the final version, I always prioritized how the website would look and feel on small screens. Only after that was the website optimized for desktops and bigger screens.

With that, we went the opposite way from the current state of web development, sustaining a mobile experience that is 100% cohesive and free of bugs and navigation issues.
🇧🇷 Obrigado por ler! Vamos fazer um projeto incrível juntos? Entre em contato.

🇺🇸 Thank you for reading! Let's make something great together? Get in touch.
Website: Planejados M&M


Website: Planejados M&M
