Profil appartenant à Sam Hobson

Hybrid Invitation- Meow Wolf

This project focused on creating invitations for an event to help benefit a museum or unique location. 

Elevator pitch: Meow Wolf is an interactive and immersive art experience with a focus on weirdness and otherness. Some of their main goals are to give back to the community, invest in their creative team, and do their part to help better the environment. Meow Wolf also provides financial support and expertise to people in need. A concert would help keep Meow Wolf running, and help provide more for their community.
This invitation features an 8 paneled poster with custom die cuts that shows the bright and bold nature of the art featured at Meow Wolf. This poster would also serve as your invitation to the event.
You would also receive this glow stick card with your invitation, which would serve as your ticket inside.
Example shipping bag option.
You can also view the mobile website below.
Hybrid Invitation- Meow Wolf
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Hybrid Invitation- Meow Wolf

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