Paul Maud'Dib riding the Shai Halud Sandworms of Arrakis Dune. Used for NYC MTA's:

Pen & Ink/Digital
For the past three years, Troy Frantz has been preparing illustrations for Emanations, our annual international anthology of fiction, poetry and essays.  The material we publish is literary, astute, and inventive, and Troy consistenly rises to the high level of sophistication and craft we require.  When he engages an illustration project, he effectively commuicates his ideas and concepts, carefully points out his concerns, and genrally coaxes from me the kinds of feedback that will lead him to produce his brilliant illustrations, which are always  appreciated by our readers. His influence upon the look of these books as a creative collaborator is invaluable, and of course collaboration is very central to our method and to our vision.
Dr. Carter Kaplan, 
Editorial Director, International Authors, Publisher & Editor of Emanations 
Scene from "A Clockwork Orange - THE MUSICAL." Scratchboard 6"x10"
Scene from Bolgokov's "The Master & Margarita." Scratchboard 8"x10"
Aphaia The Invisible 6"x10" Scratchboard
Detail from Leonardo DaVinci's "The Battle Of Anghiarri." Scratchboard 6"x10"
Scene from Arthur C. Clarke's "Rendevous With Rama." Scratchboard 8"x10"
Motion Study Scratchboard 4"x10"


Pen & ink illustrations that I then added some extra tonalities in Photoshop. Scratchboard images.
