GEORGE DENBY's profile

Sustained Investigation #6

For my 6th sustaned investigation I wanted to ask what makes rap or hip hip hop so unique. I chose Kendrick Lamar for my project because of unique albums including To Pimp A Butterfly which is shown above.
I wanted to make a pic collage effect, so i added paper rips for the edges in order to create something that looked like it was ripped out of a picture.
I added a paper texture with a clipping mask and put a linear burn filter in order to have add more texture and make it look 3-d

I added random holes throughout the photo, then I added a white rough brush along the holes edges, so it looks like rips along the outside. This effect was to ensure the pic collage theme that I wanted to convey.
This is the picture of Kendrick Lamar that I put under the holes. I wanted a Black and white album color that was punctuated with something colorful, so this picture helped.
I added the picture of kendrick under the holes, then I added glowing eyes the rapper and glowing rips along the holes. I did this by adding an outer and inner glow to the white that was selected. This added other pops of blue which I thought was necessary.
To finish put the project I added other designs over peoples heads by using the brush tool than adding an outer glow, I also added a low opacity black brush along the inside of the holes in order to add depth. For the Background I wanted to incorporate the background to the foreground so I added a layer mask the foreground in order to make the lightning go through the photo. I chose lightning as the background because it offers a glowing purple which went with the theme of glowing whites and blues throughout the work.
Sustained Investigation #6

Sustained Investigation #6


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