Profil appartenant à Lillia McGhee

Senior Show Project - Forever 21

Introductory gif created for the website to introduce the series. Features the birth and death date of my best friend, Raine.
Physical book mockups of the whole series.
"DENIAL: THE MOON," is about the first stage of grief that a person will experience. It is often the most troubling to physically and emotionally go through. “The Moon” tarot card represents fear, illusion, and uncertainty. The tarot card also represents a long emotional journey for someone.
"ANGER: FIVE OF SWORDS," is about the second stage of grief that a person will experience. This stage can occur at any time and can be associated with any stage within the grieving process. The “Five of Swords" tarot card represents a lose/lose situation expressing conflict, anger, and resentment.
"BARGAINING: SIX OF CUPS," is about the third stage of grief that a person will experience. This stage is often associated with guilt and is considered to be the most difficult to experience. The "Six of Cups" tarot card represents reminiscing on the past and can be connected to experience a loss. You are stuck looking for better times and can struggle moving forward.
"DEPRESSION: THE HERMIT," is about the fourth stage of grief that a person will experience. This stage involves feeling heartbroken, numb, and periods of shock. "The Hermit" tarot card represents solitude, self-reflection, and withdrawal. This card also represents a time of healing as you grieve.
"ACCEPTANCE: STRENGTH," Acceptance is the fifth stage of grief that a person will experience. Your emotions are beginning to level out in this stage, and your mind is a bit clearer. You are starting to accept that despite your loved one's passing, you are going to be okay. The "Strength" card represents inner strength, courage, and solitude.
Mobile website with a description of the series and the books, including how to purchase them. Gif of Raine is included at the top of the page to introduce the tone of the series. Trigger warnings and hotlines are included on the page.
Desktop website with a description of the series and the books, including how to purchase them. Gif of Raine is included at the top of the page to introduce the tone of the series. Trigger warnings and hotlines are included on the page.
Advertisement mockup for two of the books; "BARGAINING: SIX OF CUPS" and "DEPRESSION: THE HERMIT."
Tablet mockup of "DENIAL: THE MOON".
Physical book mockups of each individual memoir.
Senior Show Project - Forever 21
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Senior Show Project - Forever 21

"Forever 21" is my senior showpiece, showcasing five memoir book covers based on the five stages of grief and how tarot cards relate to my experi Lire la suite

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