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Printmaking at Home

"Printmaking. zip" Logo

"Printmaking at Home" Project

“Printmaking.zip” consists of three artists who love to use printmaking as a medium.
Our first project, Printmaking at Home(PMAH)” introduces a variety of activities that allow people to understand the basic principles of printmaking as an expression method using tools and materials that are easy to find in everyday life.
We wanted to share 10 programs that allow everyone to enjoy printmaking at home during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.

"Printmaking at Home(PMAH)" Logo

As a member of “Printmaking.zip”, I did logo design and made 10 tutorial videos
Here are my printmaking works and YouTube videos.

1. Styrofoam Relief Printing

Twelve versions printed with one styrofoam matrix


2. Collagraph with Recycled Materials

Collagraph plate - cardboard, eggshell, modeling paste, leaf, string, sandpaper, glue gun etc.

3. Relief Printmaking - Woodcut

4. DIY Screen Printing - Frottage Silkscreen

Stenciled with wax based color pencil and acrylic paint

5. Monoprint Silkscreen

Colored with water based materials and printed with transparent extender base

6. Sun Exposure Silkscreen

7. Takbon and Frottage - Grattage

8. Monotype - Gel Press

9. Kitchen Lithography

Aluminium foil plate

10. Aluminium Plate Lithography - Image Transferring

Image transferred to aluminium plate using acetone

For more information, please visit our website and youtube channel :-D

Thank you for viewing :D
IG ~~> @yuj__yuj
E-mail ~~> gnffkrkd95@gmail.com 

Printmaking at Home

Projekt gjort för

Printmaking at Home

"Printmaking at Home(PMAH)" project by "Printmaking.zip", 2020. How to do printmaking at home during, and after the COVID-19 quarantine.
