Zachary Rais-Norman 的个人资料

Adding dynamism to the PEX Brand

While working for PEX I've tried to find many ways to bring a bit of dynamism to the brand. From building a little animation into video bumpers, to creating cute loading animations with the logo flower for the PEX app.
When we realized that many PEX features were going unused, we started a whole campaign targeted at increasing current customer use of advanced features. A large part of the campaign was creating short tutorial videos that would then do double-duty as permanent pieces of the knowledge-base. The campaign was very successful in increasing use of these features. Users learned the features much quicker from videos as opposed to static screenshots.
Being a b2b company, options for video marketing are rare, but we did quickly put together this video spot to run during conventions. This version in particular from a convention of church service vendors.
Adding dynamism to the PEX Brand

Adding dynamism to the PEX Brand
