From cultural conceptions to reflections social, from economic strategies to the architectural solutions, 
green understood in its functional-production has always been a key element in the choices of the past and of contemporary debates. Currently there are many reasons that pushed to a greenculture and greeneconomy 
which are opposed almost as an echo and an utopia. The center of investigation is this: echo of architecture of the
past and the most ancient philosophies still influence the greatest visionaries, scientists, and designers who avail of innovative technologies to offer new modes of living. Based on these concepts has been conducted an analysis of
the philosophies such as Permaculture and Diminuer Heureux, lapped practices such as urban farming and experimentation dreamlike as the Verticalfarm, on the techniques of the past that incorporate green design and
planning, innovations today that allow you to produce fresh food using the life cycle of an aquarium. The experimental design derived connects these informations into a single element, preferably three elements that chase "hunting" in
the light of the sun in a spiral winding, a little tree, a little skyscraper. Inside there are areas to cultivate and it opens to
the most urban area of ​​the city, rethinking space currently occupied by the gas pumps. The objective is to invade the city with buildings-ortho replacing distributors and, in a somewhat provocative, change the fuel supply us.
Extracts _research conducted
Extracts _Project
Refill with Green!

Refill with Green!

Degree Thesis_Refill with Green! Verticalfarm: a utopian reuse of fuel distributors in the heart of Catania Dalle concezioni culturali alle rifl Další informace
