The Bureau for Verbal Communication Research and Defense
A secret agent game
This a secret agent/scavenger hunt type game. The participant would receive a mysterious business card that would prompt them to log on to a blog. From there the participant would be given the location of their first mission, or challenge. They would complete the mission, fill out the report, and log on to the blog indicated in their mission briefing for further instructions about there next mission.
There 10 assignments in total, all in their own brown 9 by 12 office envelopes, and 11 different blogs. All the blogs were totally boring, random, and obscure.

The idea for this game came from my experiences in a public speaking class.

The type on the mission sheets is from an electric typewriter. Yep, I went old school. It was fun, until I ran out of correction tape. It was get it right the first time or start all over.
   The front of the mysterious business card.
   The back
    Sample Mission Page
    Report Page
Sample of a blog. The blogs where intended to be boring, weird (and not it a fun way), and something no one would want to read. The mission was hidden a couple of post down the page. Shown Above, is the beginning of the blog. Shown below is what a typical mission post would look like.
The Bureau Game

The Bureau Game

A secret agent game.
