Matthew Ward profili

Roker Surf Community Logo

Roker Surf Community Logo

"Sunderland based Surfing Community welcomes everyone to jump into the North Sea"
I created a Lifestyle Brand that focuses on producing an identity for the Sunderland Surfing Community. 

Inspired by the success of neighbouring surfing companies located in Tynemouth, South Shields and Saltburn, I took the initiative to exploit a gap in the market to create my own brand that sits geographically between the aforementioned surfing spots in the North East of England. 

Considering the competition are well established surfing businesses and mine is a start up, the aim I set was to develop a brand identity and increase awareness through distributing promotional products. 
To achieve my aim, the logo had to be strong, original, and instantly recognisable. Therefore the original design features an image synonymous with Sunderland, the iconic Roker Pier Lighthouse. To put the 'surfing spin' onto the design I referenced the waves against the pier (context: people use the pier wall to surf from). 

Another goal of the logo design is for it to be aesthetically pleasing with simple lines inside a circular border. With this in mind I made alternative Black and White versions to keep its simplicity whilst testing which version keeps the image and type clarity.
Following feedback: My peers were eager to see colour in the designs. I began experimenting with colour with my personal preference of using gradients. 
I narrowed down to a few versions. I deemed strong enough to be my final logo designs. to be printed as vinyl stickers.
I chose the two designs below to be sent to sticker printing specialists with the intention to see how effective the gradient colour scheme prints against a solid colour scheme.
I was particularly impressed with the quality of the Gradient logo. Therefore, I ordered a larger batch of stickers of two alternative designs. 
I distributed the stickers to surfers at the Sunderland Beach and also via the Instagram account. The below are a few examples of how they were utilised. 
Following the warm feedback from the Sunderland Surfing Community, I plan to continue designing promotional products to grow the brand further. 
Roker Surf Community Logo
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Roker Surf Community Logo

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