These are some cell animations that I created to share on social media as GIFs with the only intent of sharing my faith. I used the animations as clickbait to share scripture on Social Media.
This is a self-reminder and a reminder to all believers to stay away from distractions. The world tell us that these things are important, but they are only distractions that can keep us from being in relationship with Him, from reading our Bible, from praying and worship Him.
Nothing matters more than what matters most, Him. Let's use our time to glorify Him and being in fellowship with Him in everything we do.  
Romans 6:23
This was my first cell animation using RoughAnimator on iPad. Browsing for images, I noticed the world loves skulls, so I wanted to use a skull to get the attention of people and guide their eyes to the message SIN/DEAD before they get to see the scripture. As I mentor and minister to other believers, it is amazing to see how abundantly and miraculously God bless us when we live holy, and how the enemy so easily steals, kills and destroys when we open the door to sin.

Ezekiel  36:26
This is one of my favorite scriptures and promises. Without doubt it is something that you can experience when you decide to follow Christ and completely surrender your life to Him. You truly experience a heart transplant and this new heart desires only to do things that please Him, not by obligation, but out of love. Now that you truly understand what He has done for you, the least you can do in return is loving Him as much as you can, and obedience to His word is born out of love.
Cell Animation GIFs
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Cell Animation GIFs

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