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Aleksandra's Movie Poster Project (IM 113, UDELL)

Here, I made my friend on a playground and we noticed that when we climbed up the tower it was pretty somewhat "gated" as we climbed up towards the slides. We finally found somewhere we both could stand up straight without having to bend down. This picture was probably take six because I also tried to make my other friend originally pose for the "starring role," she felt it was too weird. Here, we had my willing friend Jenny listening to the poses I want. I wanted her to have a serious face looking a bit distant and feeling "caged." I found it even more ironic over her shirt that I felt this is definitely going to work well. The hat that I bought her for her birthday last year, definitely made it better as a "teen" life.
Here is me and I used this position/pose grasping on the rope to show the last grips on the rope of sanity. I made the face on purpose to look like I was a bit drugged up and somewhat shocked and unamused by what is going on. This fits perfectly because it shows the almost downfall action of it all.
I decided to make my imaginary movie in making R rated because it is a documentary and a horror movie at the same time. It reveals the true personalities of the two teens presented on the movie poster. They may be religious but then something clicks and cause disaster, making people go in shock. So, I felt like it needed to be R rated, especially what I thought of. I found this link on google which was from tumblr. I do not own this photo and it goes to the rightful owner. Here is the link that I found this photo .
I used this texture to make the photos look creepy/old looking. I found this photo from Deviantart, an artist said it was free to use. All credits go to this lad who had created this texture. . I really liked this one because it didn't contain too much distraction that could cause the photos not get their point across. This was just right for the type of poster I wanted to create.
Aleksandra's Movie Poster Project (IM 113, UDELL)

Aleksandra's Movie Poster Project (IM 113, UDELL)

We received an assignment to take photos and attempt to make an attractive movie poster but had to be purely created by us. I took a really inter Read More
