since 1992

For people who were born before the turn of the millennium, life was different. My nuclear family spent the best of it's time on scooter rides.This is the dream which I actually lived in my childhood with my elder brother and younger sister. The Ride from home on Bajaj chetak to school or dadi ke ghar was an experience which I think no car can ever accomplish. Standing in front of the seat on the scooter opened the gates to my little adventure.
I always wanted to draw this as Pitaji offcourse riding the scooter, my sister as a toddler in the maa’s lap, my elder brother squashed between pitaji and maa and myself standing on bended knees at the front. I forgot to add the mini seat (privileged seat, I must say) which pitaji specifically got for me. Pitaji coming out of a known shop with a fist full of kismi bars has become a ritual every time we ride.
Though we werent able to actually adjust in the space but thats what we love about it. Millions of memories are attached to these rides and the charm that we really miss to see again with the passing time.
Family | since 1992