Eigil Nikolajsen sin profil

serene-naturist website prototype

Desktop website prototype for serene naturist
This a concept prototype made for serene naturist as a school assignment. Serene naturist is a massage company that specialise in naturist massages. The design sees a full makeover from the previous site. It has been updated thoroughly to be more minimalistic and modern. Previous site:
As you can see throughout the prototype, the site has been shortened down to only 4 pages and many of the effects and images have been removed for a cleaner and less distracting look. 

I started out exploring different colour palettes to see what would work for the style I had in mind.
I like the last one, so I modified it a little bit more and decided to stick with it.

After deciding on the colours I went on with the first design sketch, which I made in Illustrator.
I liked it a lot, so I went with this kind of layout with a lot of whitespace. The font I choose is one I drew myself: Objura. A modern and sleek looking sans serif font, that I think fits well with the luxurious and minimalistic look.
Adobe XD

Soon after I moved on to Adobe XD to make the prototype. From there I found out that instead of going for an all white-ish look, at I wanted to stand out a bit more. So I changed to background to a darker colour instead of the off-white one I had.
I also added a script font to the mix called Renata. I think it gives the now a bit more masculine look some feminine tones. I also added some social symbols in the menu to give it greater balance.
From there it was a matter of designing the rest within the same rules. 
I then went on to wrap it all up in this style tile. I'm proud of the prototype, and I think it strikes a good balance between being nice to look at and being functional. I've learned a lot about atomic design and principles of webdesign and prototyping.
Thank you for reading along!
serene-naturist website prototype


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serene-naturist website prototype

Serene Naturist website prototype made as an assignment @ DMJX 2021

