Allysandra Isidro's profile

Final Project (IDM Game Design)

Final project

Part A:

The game I am making will be a horror game with a hint of fps. The player will have a skinny one (rectangular shape) who will be faster than a minion that I will add that follows you around and helps you with the controls. The minion will be a fat boy (a cube that's half the size of the player) that is slower than the player due to its weight.  The first scene will be a modern village with a forest that you will explore soon. There will be items to pick up either in the house or scattered across the map. Examples of these items are a flashlight, a slingshot, snacks, etc. There will be a sudden time change once you reach the forest.  For the map, I will be adding houses for the modern village that looks alike and trees for the forest. For the player to follow a certain path I will be adding strange-looking objects the player can follow around. Once the player has either reached the end of it something will be chasing them leading them to the middle of the forest to fight the monster and try weakening it. Once that is done, you will follow the minion back to the village by the minion and ends the first. The next scene is in a dream where the player is in the middle of a dark room. You get to explore this for a little while until you see a doll that looks exactly like the fat kid. Once you pick it up, you get to do the same thing from a while ago, only you don't win this one. Once you make the monster's health in the middle it will attack you and have a title screen that says, "Game Over?". I will be adding projectiles, movement, a charge attack, and damage from the boss and what I will not add is gore for the final part. The projectile will be a five directional projectile attack. I will make a pattern for the behaviours of the monster. All of the objects that will be seen here in this game are going to be 3D modelled on blender.
Part B:
Creepy Monster's design:
Part C:
Part D:

I have finally finished my project and the things that I have added are 3d models, daytime and nighttime, and the player’s movements. If I had more time to add more to my game these are what I would add. I would add a flashlight to make the player see clearly in the dark during nighttime and a boss controller for the boss to chase and fight the player. I would’ve also added a tree for my game but the file that I have for this model is a huge one and it takes up to long to load and export on Behance. I would also add movements to the minion that follows you around and help you throughout the game. The last thing I would add is audio just to set the mood.
Final Project (IDM Game Design)

Final Project (IDM Game Design)
