Way behind on posting here. OK.
Not sure if it's "Skinjobs" or "Skin Jobs." In either case there is a Blade Runner tribute zine that will begin kickstarting soon, and it promises to be awesome. So keep an eye out for that. A lot of cool artists are involved. I was lucky enough to be a part of it and here is what I made.
It will be printed two color riso, so the challenge here was to turn those two colors into a satisfying full range of value and hue. The colors are of course pink and blue. So I took ink drawing I had made by hand and colored it using two masked layers in photoshop. Each layer is one color that will be printed. Apparently it is a really fun way to make an image.

As far as the concept for this image I did a lot of sketching. Blade Runner is conceptually meaty. A lot of symbols and themes to work with. What really stood out to me upon analysis was the way Ridley Scott put the film's noir trappings into a dialogue with the idea of artificiality. The way the viewer receives information about the story is so heavily affected by the noir style, and in pretty specific ways. Everything is perceived through a filter, providing alternate versions of the truth. And no matter what seems like truth, one can't help but feel that there is some other reality hidden in the film's shadows.

Woah. Sorry I went all Bade Runner there. Enjoy owl picture.
Check it out and spread the word, cause everybody agrees its good thing.
"How can it not know what it is?"

"How can it not know what it is?"

Illustration inspired by Blade Runner for the "Skinjobs" zine.

