nano - 的個人檔案

A collection of sorrows and despair

Exhibition 2017

A collection of sorrows and despair
1995 - 2001

As I went back to my present sadness and despair, I came here.
a collection of sadness and despair that somehow came together.
be continuously gathering

A collection of sorrows and despair
Acrylic on board 2017 

Acrylic on board 2017
I know it'll sink again, but I don't care.
Acrylic on board 2017

That's not all I have.
Acrylic on board 2017

She's like a snake in a green leaf.
Acrylic on board 2017

A long and monotonous journey
Acrylic on board 2017

My frog prince
Acrylic on board 2017

Marginal man
Acrylic on board 2017

A collection of sorrows and despair

A collection of sorrows and despair

