Andy Kämpf's profile

PENTAX 6x7 - first roll / 30-12-2020

PENTAX 6x7 / Kodak Portra 400 / First Roll / 30-12-2020
Some first results from my Pentax 6x7. Scanned roughly with my old Epson Perfection 3200 - Scanner and Silverfast directly on the glas. The files were converted with Negativlab Pro. I didn't used any negative scanner mask or ANR-glas. The development of the film was done really cheap due a local drugstore (Rossmann). After scanning and seeing the results, i was very disappointed at first. Not because of the newton rings you can clearly see and the missing sharpness which was to be expected due the incorrect focus of the scanning. But the emulsion, fingerprints and scratches on the negatives are really bad. I'll guess this happened at the lab. In the end i like the moody atmosphere of the images and the errors adds some analog vibe & style to the images especially with the borders of the film. I will look forward to improve my scanning process. Next time i will develop the film at a special film lab. ;-) Stay tuned for more. Andy
Some making of pictures / Me fighting my massive Pentax 6x7 ;-) It's a beauty to look at. And it's sounds like a machine gun. The heavy metal of a medium format camera. 
PENTAX 6x7 - first roll / 30-12-2020

PENTAX 6x7 - first roll / 30-12-2020
