Sugar Racing
This is a project I did in order to learn basic programming. However, since I am an artist, I decided to create the art of the game to enhance the presentation and practice the graphics creation.

I used the game Sugar Rush, from the movie "Wreck-it Ralph", as a reference to create the atmosphere of my game. 

All the graphics shown in the animation are created by me, except the HUD and titles.

The software I used is Adobe Illustrator to create the graphics and Unity to create the game.


I used just one atlas texture to all the game graphics. In this texture are all the road versions I created, the character and the wafer.
The game environment is constantly changing because the road versions are placed randomly. The player has to control the car from right to left. Also, They must avoid the wafers and stay in the road if they want to get the best score.

Sugar Racing

Sugar Racing
