Profil Stefan F. Wirth

Video: Living meadows in the Corona year 2020

I filmed with three cameras in nature areas of Northern Berlin: Olypus TG6, Sony 6300, Mavic 2 Zoom
I documented my nature excursions in 2020 via photography and videography with a special focus to animal macros (outside in the field) and to drone flights. There is also an underwater scenery existing. Most footage was recorded in the area between villages Lübars and Rosenthal in Northern Berlin, close to the nature refuge "Tegeler Fliess".

In front of each of those months-blocks, I added at that time some important recent news headlines about the corona-pandemic. I named these written parts "corona calendar". The few December sequences are only dedicated to human street life, showing Berlin in the total lockdown phase, being filmed in black and white (with red recognition).
Ladybird Coccinula quatuordecimpustulata
mite Balaustium sp. on old railroad tracks
Fly Cylindromyia bicolor
sycamore moth Acronicta aceris
Chorthippus biguttulus
myrmecophilus scarabaeid beetle, in detail still undetermined, systematically related to genus Cremastocheilus
Crematocheilus (Cetoniinae) is a genus of myrmecophilous beetles. My individuals were not yet determined, Their existence in Berlin might be even of scientific interest. As putative phoretic vector (to carry mites for their dispersal), they are at least of interest for me, although the studied three beetle individuals did not carry mites at all. The beetles were all found in front of an ant nest intrance (Lasius niger) along the roots of an oak tree in park Rehberge.
earwig Forficula auricularia
backside of grasshopper Chorthippus biguttules
true bug Graphosoma italicum
beetle Rutpela maculata
Drone perspective with fields and the Berlin settlin "Märkisches Viertel"
drone perspective of an area with fields between villages Rosenthal and Lübars in Berlin
drone perspective of meadows and fields in Northern Berlin in a dynamic September twilight
The area is characterized by fields, meadows and forest parts and lays along the former GDR wall, today being a hiking and biking trail. Due to a connected mosaic of different ecological habitats, a remarkable biodiversity can there be found, even despite of the worldwide species' extinction based on a mostly human made global warming.

Berlin, second half of 2020, video published on 2 January 2020, all copyrights Stefan F. Wirth
Video: Living meadows in the Corona year 2020


Video: Living meadows in the Corona year 2020

