Take Care
Publication with images generated by Google Image Search for a collective exhibition on the topic of Generation Y, on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.

Take Care is a publication issued for the exhibition entitled “Y” on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, which presented the works of students and graduates that have been created in the last three to four years prior. Such a presentation had to be perceived and used as an opportunity for making a generational statement, which cannot be torn from the social, economic, political and other realities of Generation Y or millennials.

Millenials are generally known for their indecision, instability, laziness, or outright inability to manage basic activities and meet deadlines. Generation unusable in practical life; generation of TV screens and smartphones. Our aim was to communicate these features visually and conceptually. Therefore, the publication is impractically big, the texts are laid out along the pages from top to bottom to mimic social media ‘infinite scrolls’, the art works depicted in the publication are confronted with similar ones generated by Google Image Search to symbolize the information-overloaded era we live in, and the whole publication is printed in simple RGB pantone profile to further reference the contemporary prevalence of digital media. The publication’s cover depicting a millennial deer is working with our concept of a new visual identity for the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.

Client­­: Academy of Fine Arts and Design 
Concept & Design: Andrej & Andrej, David Kalata 
Consultant: Palo Bálik
Photography: Andrej & Andrej, Kvet Nguyen

Take Care

Take Care
