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Is Mood Swing A Sign Of Stress, Anxiety Depression?

Sometimes the mood swings can also be a warning sign for a mental illness especially depression. Serious mood swings require medical attention because these could mean that something wrong may be going on in your body but first you need to identify the actual cause of this bumpy ride.
At times mood swings can occur without any obvious cause. There are fluctuating mood changes from happiness to anger and irritability. Although it is uncommon for mood swings to occur without a reason. Sometimes the external environment also plays an important role in determining the reason for your mood swings.
Mood swings can be a common cause of depression or maybe an indicator of the development of depression. If you snub this at an early age then it becomes easier to treat depression rather than treating it in the chronic stage.
Is Mood Swing A Sign Of Stress, Anxiety Depression?

Is Mood Swing A Sign Of Stress, Anxiety Depression?
