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Australian lifestyle blends

Australian lifestyle blends 

Australian lifestyle blend is an essential oil range inspired by colours within the Australian landscape. The tagline for the range is “bringing the unique fragrances of Australia indoors”. 

Every label for the essential oil bottles will feature a colour scheme sampled from the landscape it references. The three bottles will consist of: Coastal Breeze (turquoise like sea glass), Rainforest Escape (a bright blue like the colour of a Cassowary Bird that dwells within the rainforest), and Mountain Clear (a gray green like snow in a mountain side). The logo for the brand uses a range of abstract shapes meant to represent forms of pooled liquid from an essential oil poured on a surface.

Each essential oil blend will have its own unique combination of ingredients that conjure up the feeling/emotion of the particular landscape it references. The ingredients for the Rainforest Escape blend will include Eucalyptus lemon Iron bark, Lavender tea tree, Cypress (blue) and Sandalwood. The Mountain Clear essential oil will have Eucalyptus cinerea – ‘Silver Dollar Gum’, Lemon Tea Tree and Eucalyptus Peppermint gum. And the Coastal Breeze blend will have Anise myrtle, Honey myrtle, Cypress (Emerald) and Buddha wood, all in a carrier oil of macadamia oil.

The essential oil range is designed to improve psychological and or physical well-being. The essentials oils will transport you to the particular landscape that the scents evoke, thus taking you on a sensory journey.
Australian lifestyle blends


Australian lifestyle blends
