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“Birds Of A Feather, Flock Together”

“Birds Of A Feather, Flock Together”

A very smart guy called David McClelland discovered that the major difference between success and failure in life is your ‘reference group’.

The level of success you have in life is determined by the group of people you surround yourself with. It’s the whole “you are the average of your 5 closest friends” thing.

You’re condemned to failure if you’ve chosen for yourself a group of negative or unmotivated people all working together to create more negativity and failure.

It doesn’t matter how talented or smart you are. If your 5 closest friends are all alcoholic drug dealers it’s highly likely you’ll develop the same values and behaviours.

We take on the behaviours and attitudes of the people we associate with and that leads to a massive influence on our own day-to-day behaviours.

You can change your life by changing your reference groups, your friends, your associates. If you can’t change who you associate with right now at least develop virtual reference groups.

Find 5 people you’d like to model from and absorb as much information from them as possible. Let their content be 80% of what you absorb. Read their books, watch their videos, listen to their audio. This simple habit will lead to real changes over the long term.

Choose the energy you want to absorb because it has a real effect on what you will achieve.
“Birds Of A Feather, Flock Together”

“Birds Of A Feather, Flock Together”


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