Chapman Taylor
Moscow (Russia) 2013
Mixed use. Transport hub, Shopping Centre and Office Tower

Mixed use development consisting on a main bridge structure linking the new Skolkovo Development in Moscow (Russian counterpart to Silicone Valley) with new railway and bus stations over a motorway. 

This bridge will feature a railway station and retail and restaurant areas for the thousands of commuters to Skolkovo every day. As Skolkovo will also be a green car free zone, the bridge will also be used as a connection to parking areas.

The central area of the bridge also links to a shopping centre in three levels which will develop in two phases, the frist one being part of this design. This first phase of the scheme also includes an office tower in 17 levels overlooking Skolkovo business park

General views of the development
Construction studies for the bridge
View of the office tower

Sector:      Mixed use. Trasport hub (railway and bus station), retail and office tower. 
Area:           60,000 m²
Client:        OOO Finmarkt
Stage:      Stage D

Senior Architect in charge of the design development (Stage D) coordinating a team of 6 people at the Moscow Studio and  local consultants in Russia. 


Mixed use development consisting on a main bridge structure linking the new Skolkovo Development in Moscow with new railway and bus stations over Se mer


Kreative områder