I had the pleasure of being invited to an exhibition that brought together 50 talented illustrators from Colombia and 50 from Germany, all tasked with creating a unique piece based on the concept of Heimat. While difficult to translate into Spanish, Heimat is a term that is closely tied to the idea of one's roots and how they shape one's identity. For me, the idea of Heimat is not simply tied to where I come from, but rather the journey that has led me to where I am today. Having moved around constantly since 2008, I've come to realize that my Heimat is not a fixed place, but rather a feeling that comes from the experiences I've had and the people I've met along the way. The piece that I created for the exhibition is a reflection of this idea, that our homes and identities are not static, but rather constantly evolving as we navigate through life's ups and downs.
For this piece I tried a new thinking process that I think is worth it to share. Everything was done on computer and I was looking for new ways to communicate and also resolving works.
You can purchase an art print of this work here
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