Profil Sameera Ayub

Paper Package design of 30 tea bags of flavored tea

Paper Package design of 30 tea bags of flavored tea.
Design brief: 
I choose a traditional and cultural theme for my flavored tea package design. I took  six flavors for my design and associate them to main four provinces, one major place of Pakistan and one of the flavor is the original green tea flavor of the Tapal brand. 
∙ Mint tea from Punjab. 
∙ Apple tea from Kashmir. 
∙ Lemon tea from Sindh. 
∙ Peach tea from KPK. 
∙ Mango tea from Baluchistan. 
∙ Original Green Tea of Tapal. 
Total teabags are 30 and each flavor will have 5 teabags.
The purpose of my design is to celebrate the traditional taste of the Pakistan. I took  patterns to give my package design more of traditional look. I designed my  package design by keeping the original branding ideology of the Tapal. 
The layout of my design is hexagonal in shape to compliment the design and theme  of my design. 
There are multi-colors in my design, most prominent are yellow and purple. Yellow is used to compliment the nature of the tea and purple is used to  compliment the traditional nature of the package 
Layout is designed on A2 size (17 by 24 inch). Each side of the hexagon has a length of 3 inch. Height of the box is 3 inch, size of the flip is 1 inch. Dimension of the is hexagon 5 by 6 inch.
Enjoy the flavors of Pakistan!
Paper Package design of 30 tea bags of flavored tea

Paper Package design of 30 tea bags of flavored tea
