Hillsdale College.  The past year has made clear that our country is in danger. 

Many ask if there is a way to meet this crisis. I never hesitate to say there is.

The way to meet the crisis is simple: continue to reach and teach additional millions of citizens about America’s great heritage of liberty. 

Your gift will help expand Hillsdale’s educational outreach efforts, including free online courses, and count toward our ambitious year-end fundraising goal.

The fact is that since the 1960s, the Left has increasingly controlled the tools of education, and it has used those tools to undermine informed patriotism, with the ultimate goal of transforming American government and society.

They have done this first and foremost by promoting a false and dishonest narrative of our nation’s history, a narrative in which America is essentially unjust. 

Just consider The New York Times’ recent “1619 Project,” which sought to inject into the curricula of K-12 schools nationwide the teaching that slavery, and not freedom, is the central fact of American history.

And while we should all be concerned at the speed at which this false narrative of American history has spread… 

…we should also be encouraged that so many are still open to the truth. 

Hillsdale College is leading the charge to provide the truth. And increasing millions of Americans, including younger Americans, are learning about American history and the American Constitution through Hillsdale’s educational outreach efforts, most notably through our free online courses. 

Already more than 2.4 million Americans have enrolled in one or more of Hillsdale’s free online courses. And generous contributions from friends and supporters like you have allowed us to launch even more courses.

Just within the last year, with your help, we’ve launched free online courses such as “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope” and our latest, “Civil Rights in American History.” 

Perhaps you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who’ve enrolled in these two recent courses. 

We began producing these free online courses in the belief that a proper understanding of America’s founding principles and the importance of the Constitution to liberty is the key to preserving freedom for future generations.

In 2021 we plan to produce up to five new online courses, including a new course on free-market economics, a subject that is not taught in most K-12 schools, colleges and universities today. 

As a part of our Project to Defend Liberty Nationwide by Reaching and Teaching Millions, we want to increase the number of Americans enrolled in our free online courses to over 3,000,000. 

Consider the impact on the direction of the country if 3,000,000 Americans, especially younger Americans, learn from these online courses about the principles of liberty and what it takes to defend them. 

But we cannot accomplish our educational outreach goals without the generous support of citizens, like you, who understand the importance of education to liberty.

Your gift will help us continue to offer these courses free of charge to any citizen wishing to learn. 

As I’ve written before, Hillsdale refuses to accept one penny of government funding—not even indirectly in the form of federal or state student loans and grants. This makes the support of citizens like you so essential.

It will take significant resources to launch and promote additional free online courses and expand our other educational outreach efforts on behalf of liberty. 

Please help today by making your best tax-deductible, year-end gift using the secure, convenient link below:

After everything we’ve seen in 2020, the need for these courses and Hillsdale’s other educational outreach efforts is undeniable.

Thank you for your willingness to help in the fight to preserve freedom for future generations by engaging the far-Left on the battlefield of education—no matter the cost. 

Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844

P.S. Your gift today will help expand Hillsdale’s educational outreach efforts, including free online courses, and count toward our ambitious year-end fundraising goal. 

To raise these necessary funds for our Project to Defend Liberty Nationwide by Reaching and Teaching Millions, we must meet our $3,000,000 online goal by midnight on December 31. Can I count on your support today?

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