Ali Turner's profile

Chip Shop Awards

Chip Shop Award Entries
 One Chip, one Vinegar and Dave Trott's highly coveted Chairman's Award
"...for me, the best thing in this year’s Chip Shop Awards was The Sun posters. These ads take the piss out of The Economist campaign. The Economist posters that were simple witty headlines in white, reversed out of a solid red background.

Remember The Economist poster that said: “Would you like to sit next to you at a dinner party?” It’s Urbane, charming, witty. Here, The Sun poster says: “Would you like to sit next to an Economist reader at a dinner party? Didn’t think so.” Not so urbane, witty and charming. More vulgar, crass and piss-taking. All the reasons we love The Sun.

Just for once I’m not being logical and objective about this. I know most consumers walking past it in the street wouldn’t actually remember The Economist campaign. I know Sun readers won’t even be looking at Economist posters anyway. Economist readers see themselves above mere mortals, whilst most people who buy The Sun struggle with words of more than one syllable.

I know it wouldn’t work for so many reasons in the real world. But this isn’t the real world. This is ads you wish had run, but they didn’t. Ads that prick the bubble of pomposity that surrounds and encapsulates advertising. Ads that take the piss.

And, nowadays more than ever, we badly need someone to take the piss.”

Dave Trott, The Chip Shop Award’s Chairman 2009
The Sun Does the Economist won a Chip Award in the Best Use of Plagiarism category and Dave Trott's Chairman Award in the 2009 Chip Shop Awards.
'Would you notice?' won a Vinegar Award in Best Public Awareness category in 2009.
'Find your perfect match' was written for the Best Public Awareness category in 2009.
Lost and Found was written for the Best Use of a Shop Window Postcard Space category in 2009.
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Chip Shop Awards

Chip Shop Awards

These are my Chip Shop Award Entries.


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