
wimbo is a music streaming and sharing service that provides more than 60 million songs, from record labels and media companies to the users all around the world. To create a more comprehensive visual identity wimbo's co-founder Nolen Sanchez partnered with GOLDY to create a new brand identification that helps the brand to stand out in the saturated market.
The search for a new identity for Wimbo consisted in creating a mark, typography and color transformation that distinguish the brand maintaining its same values like diversity, integrity and excellence.


The new wimbo mark makes the brand more distinguished yet maintains it's simplicity & diversity. 
We have tried a lot of combinations and came up with an oval shaped icon consists of stripes expressing the flow of music and letter W.

After a lot of research for an appealing font style we decided to use Gilroy font that provides a good appearance, structure  and distinguishing personality to the mark.



wimbo is a music streaming and sharing service that provides more than 60 million songs, from record labels and media companies to the users all Meer lezen
