JIA YI LIs profil

Happiness(Cedar Point)

— June-September, 2019 at Cedar Point in Ohio —
▲ Snoopy is the mascot of Cedar Point.
〈Cedar Point〉


Summer vacation in 2019, I went with my friends to a local amusement park in Ohio, the United States for cultural exchanges. I used about three months of work to earn money for playing in the United States after the work. During this period, I met many interesting and friendly people, I have seen the impact of various cultures and languages, and made myself more courageous to express.
▲ Olivia is my colleague on the same birthday!
〈Dippin' Dots〉


This is probably the most popular place for children in the amusement park!
Sweet and colorful Dippin' Dots ice cream is the favorite of adults and children. If you like more flavors and levels, you can upgrade to a sundae! (Secretly speaking, My favorite flavor is mint chocolate!)
It's so cute to see the children get Dippin' Dots ice cream!
Every day after get off work, we have to calculate the money we earned that day. ▼

▲ Shan is a funny and cute Malaysian girl!
▲ Yvonne is a lively and individual girl.
〈Funnel Fries〉

Funnel Fries是用麵糊製成、炸完之後撒上適量糖粉的薯條,外面酥脆裡面軟軟QQ的,很多大人小孩都很喜歡當作點心來吃!很有趣的是,炸Funnel Fries不用計時、完全是憑感覺在炸(笑);在等薯條稍微冷卻要裝進盒子內前,旁邊可能還會有小鳥來偷我們炸好的薯條。

Funnel Fries is made with batter and sprinkled with powdered sugar after frying. It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Many adults and children like to eat it as a snack! It’s very interesting that you don’t need to time to fry Funnel Fries, it’s done by feeling (laughs) Before the French fries have cooled slightly to be put into the box, there may be a bird next to steal our fried fries.

▲ The Power Tower is just across from the funnel fries stall. 
It is often accompanied by tourists screaming at work.


Next door here is the children’s play area. Every day I watch the children sit on the amusement facilities happily, and the adults will bring the children to exchange or buy water and drinks.
She is Winni, a Taiwanese roommate I only met in the United States, 
and was assigned to the restaurant in the water park

In response to Halloween, the park has also created a bubble zone that will continuously produce bubbles for children to play. Compared to Taiwan, American adults are less afraid of dirty and will play with children.

Happiness(Cedar Point)

Happiness(Cedar Point)
