Westin Hacker's profile

Glidecam HD 2000 Tutorial

There are a million glidecam tutorials out there, but I've used it quite a bit and think it's quite interesting so I made the Glidecam HD 2000 the subject for my How-to video which was assigned to me. I shot this twice, learning from the first shoot that not only do I have to monitor the audio levels on the camera, but also the levels on the wireless mic itself to make sure it doesn't clip before it's even transferred to the camera.

During my second shoot I look tired and uninterested, but I had already spent so much time on the shooting of this project that I had little choice but to use it. Personally I'm not pleased with the outcome as the video is quite long and boring. I much prefer to be behind the camera rather than in front of it.
Glidecam HD 2000 Tutorial

Glidecam HD 2000 Tutorial

A somewhat in-depth tutorial on how to use and balance the Glidecam HD 2000.


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