Florian Thaler's profile


Theme design for the "Premierentage 2013"
The primary intention behind the Premierentage project was to link up various art forms and cultural venues in the Innsbruck conurbation.
The Logo for 2013 refers back to this initial idea. It shows two hands, entwined by way of a tightly braided threat. The illustration reminds us of the game of skill called cat's cradle, where figures are created , derived originally from nature, with the help of a loop of string.
In this case, the venues of the Premierentage 2013 constitute the constants that form the structure of the basic graphic. By connecting the points, we arrive at a variety of possible combinations, figures and paths. The geometric form turns into an abstract art circuit, referring in turn to the skill required for the game of cat's cradle.
An interesting detail by the way: the girls of the Alaskan Chugach people preferably play the game of cat's cradle in autumn, assuming that they are able to weave in thus the autumn sun's rays and put off the winter's beginning.
In the animation the principal graphic of the subject takes centre stage. The Premierentage venues appear and form the cornerstones of the basic structure. By way of a continuous line the idea of networking and the various possibilities of following the art circuit are visualised.

Graphic design: Patrick Bonato (www.patrickbonato.com)
Animation: Jan Schoettler (www.janschoettler.com)


Theme design for the "Premierentage 2013"


Creative Fields