Golden Gate Park Events October 2019
The main objective for this poster was to use typographic elements and an organizational system to showcase a list of events from golden gate park events. During the initial process, I started out by separating each element to come up with a design system that would show consistency within the poster and the information that is provided. The main approach that was taken in the design system was the numbering system which was a key design in the poster. Each date provided in the poster has a specific style and positioning that does not replicate another date. In addition, there are many external elements such as a bubble effect which gives the poster a visually appealing look and also looks more balanced compared to an empty poster with just information provided. The color gradient used in the poster also shows consistency within the poster itself. The fonts that were incorporated in the design were adobe Garamond which was used for the description of the event and Proxima nova for rest of the design which consists of color gradient.
Design Ideation steps
Final poster design
Golden Gate Park Events
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Golden Gate Park Events

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