The Leaf's profile

The Confident Communicator

The Confident Communicator
At The Confident Communicator, the focus and endeavour is to create an environment of learning where kids venture beyond the world of academia. They help them focus on their inner strengths and abilities and rise to be confident communicators while having fun. They also recognise the need for courage, resilience and determination.
We helped strengthen brand communications across all digital touchpoints. This included creating a cohesive visual identity, defining the brand tone of voice and leveraging brand collaborations to help drive brand awareness. By making all the courses and offerings look consistent visually, we were able to create a recognisable and unique proposition for the brand.
As part of the visual overhaul, we also looked at making considerable changes to the way the website looked. This meant creating a clean and simple aesthetic for all the courses that the brand offered. The use of bright colours, vivid images and bold text helped drive sales and brand recall.
The Confident Communicator

The Confident Communicator
