Sarah Niner sin profil

Copywriting Print Ads for Sur La Table

This project was for Advertising copywriting class, focusing on beginning to understand how to create an ad and all the different kinds of ads. Being allowed to choose an existing brand to create our ads, I chose Sur La Table because I love their products and classes as well as their cooking ideas. After creating a creative brief, strategy statement, taglines, headlines, and sketches, I made these first ads. The logo is completely owned by Sur La Table, but I did change the tagline below the logo for projects in this class only. Some images are also from Sur La Table's website for consistent advertising.

Ad#1: News- news ads talk about society's issues and events when promoting a product.
Ad#2: One liner- these ads are short in body copy where you just have one headline with the visuals.
Ad#3: Outline- outline ads showcase all the benefits and features of a product or brand.
Ad#4: Spiral- spiral ads are more difficult. They begin with a basic general idea you want to communicate and then you expand upon that idea to make like a spiral (not a literal one). All text closes going back to your general idea.
Ad#5: Sermon- sermon ads are basically giving someone a lecture through an ad, so pretend like you are actually talking in person to someone and tell your audience what they should do.
Ad#6: Story: story ads tell a story about someone or something that will prove to the audience that they need the product.
Copywriting Print Ads for Sur La Table

Copywriting Print Ads for Sur La Table
