Many nowardays cities are expanded with no reason, while there are plenty of empty space within. Densifying and mixing up activities in our cities are one of the most important issues today in terms of ecology, safety, mobility etc.
This former train loading dock, which is known as "Guterbahnhof" at the moment has only few fragile activities. Surrounded by rails from all three sides it is almost inaccessible.
As we know, railroad within the city works not only as a transportation line, but also as a strong spatial barrier for it's surroundings. Moreover, in "Guterbahnhof" case, inaccessibility is even more strengthen by huge traffic knot. Surrounding districts such as Utbremen, Mitte and especially Findorff, which are a cut off from each other, recently gained bad reputation in terms of safety, lack of activities and vitality.
Couple decades ago it was thought that vehicle will solve most of the mobility problems within the city, but it did not happen. On the opposite - huge infrastructure started to tear cities apart and caused even more congestion.
The goal of this project was to create highly adopted urban structure where people could be creative in using it and finding their own best way of living, working, moving, spending leisure. At the same time we tried to re-conect all the neighborhoods together by making this area easier to access.
even car parking can be creative
City is always full with all kinds of conflicts, that what makes us citizens
Güterbahnhof Bremen

Güterbahnhof Bremen

re-use of abandoned train station in Bremen


Creative Fields