A local film production company hired me to do some promotional work for a new film they were working on. I was assigned the task of researching the area and gathering inspiration to create the movie poster.
The movie was about a growing cycling industry and the Ozark region's bicycle boom. The producers wanted me to capture the essence of Bentonville along with some of its natural beauty. Bentonville has over 150 miles of mountain bike trail systems in a 10 mile radius.
Over the course of 4 nights I was able to witness and photograph some of the local wildlife along with beautiful sunsets, thousands of stars, and I got to see daring, young locals riding the jump trails. 
The abundance of natural beauty that Bentonville has, made the job easy in my mind.
The Ozarks are a magical, dream-like place, and I wanted to portray that idea in the poster.   
The film is still in production. The cast and crew still need to be selected and so you see my version of the lorum ipsum filler-writing included on the poster.
Movie Poster

Movie Poster
