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HWT Republic Gothic - Digitizing Wood Type

Two-color letterpress proof of Republic Gothic pulled at the WNY Book Arts Center
Light inking of Republic Gothic solid wood type indicates clear variations in cuts of what should be an identical typecase (see weight variations in numerals). This could be from different cuttings at different times by possibly different employees of Hamilton, but they are undoubtedly the "same" typeface. Deciding on the optimal weight for the digital version was a matter of instinct as much as math.
Production patterns in the collection of the Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum provided reference for some glyphs not found in basic collections of this face
Republic seen in Hamilton Wood Type Catalog 38 (Newberry Library)
Full specimen of final digital version of Republic Gothic
HWT Republic Gothic - Digitizing Wood Type

HWT Republic Gothic - Digitizing Wood Type

The Republic Gothic series was among the last original wood type designs manufactured by Hamilton Manufacturing Co. It was first shown in Hamilto Read More
