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Improvement project of public garden

Improvement project of public garden in Basmanny District

Design concept: The area of public garden as is, in fact, is not a public space, not only interact with the urban environment, does not have a specific purpose and a recognizable image. The proximity to the centers of contemporary art and design has led to selection of the functional purpose of a given territory.
The concept is to create a fundamentally different public space that promotes and stimulates interest in contemporary art and design, pushes users of the space to be creative. This is a space where creative work immediately becomes foreseeable for everyone here may also conduct exhibition reproductions of artifacts, photographs and installation center for contemporary art "Winzavod" and design center "Artplay" or published information about the objects and of QR-codes.
But other than that, it gets really public space, being a good place to stay local residents, students, employees of nearby office buildings.
A large number of tall trees creates a somewhat different in character and atmosphere environment than the surrounding urban fabric, and to the square is a closed space. The use of gravel, pebbles, grass, metal and stone emphasizes different in character space than the urban environment.
3d scheme
park master plan
road and path system and                           infrastructure and communications
point of attraction
coatings                                                         retaining walls
small architectural forms                                  podiums with different coatings                  
exhibition stand installation
"green" podium
entrance group
Attractive wall
Improvement project of public garden

Improvement project of public garden

This project was created as part of the competition on the improvement public garden in Basmanny District of Moscow, which was held by center for Read More
