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Thinking of Opting for Gay Surrogacy in Kenya?

If you are a couple that has recently thought of pursuing surrogacy in Kenya, there are few things that you need to be mindful of beforehand. Kenya is a homophobic country that keeps ‘not that favorable’ perspective towards Gay Surrogacy.

So, in case you are a gay couple that is planning to go ahead with a surrogacy arrangement in Kenya, you must read this article till end.

Even while there aren’t any legal guidelines and structure for surrogacy in Kenya, the country has attracted thousands of couples to its territories.

Is Gay Surrogacy Illegal in Kenya?

As we just mentioned that Kenya is a homophobic country, you may not get the most favorable environment to pursue your surrogacy aspirations in the country. Still, just by staying mindful of certain points, you can carry through with your parenthood dreams in the country.

Also, you need to partner with the best surrogacy agency in Kenya that will help you from start to end during the surrogacy process. On the other side, the Gay couples are not encouraged to travel together while visiting the hospital or the IVF clinic.

How to Continue With Gay Surrogacy in Kenya?

Once you start along with a surrogacy agency for the same purpose, the process goes a bit easier and convenient for you. As indicated by the current guidelines, the intended parents' stands as the legal parents of the future child right from its birth. Also, the medical expenses and related charges are very nominal and this is the biggest reason why the greater part of the same sex parent favor this nation over countries like Europe and USA.

Gay Surrogacy Kenya is as yet unregulated and this is where you have to be cautious and careful not dealing with fake and phony surrogacy agencies.  Check about the experience and background of the surrogacy agency along with their experience, before getting started with the process.

Particularly, with regards to the same sex parents, they may need to bring along an egg donor or sperm donor during the surrogacy process in kenya. Presently, this is something that will bring extra cost to the surrogacy plan.

Cost of Gay Surrogacy in Kenya

The cost of Gay surrogacy in Kenya is quite inexpensive in comparison to other countries like USA, UK Canada, etc. Alongside the nominal cost, the medical support and other related facilities are quite on par with the developed countries.

Besides, the Kenya surrogate mother likes to live at their own place and not at the accommodation provided by the surrogacy agency or the intended parents. Well this is where the Intended parents can spare most of the expense related to cost of surrogate mother in Kenya

This further will ensure that the surrogate mother is being dealt with in the most appropriate manner while being surrounded with her loved ones. The intended parents additionally need to bear the Gay surrogacy cost required for the IVF treatment that will also involve the cost incurred for hiring Egg donors.

Along these lines, as you are looking forward to Gay surrogacy in Kenya, you should ponder through all the points mentioned above. Besides, getting along with a surrogacy agency is highly recommended in the wake of the homophobic nature of people in the country.
Thinking of Opting for Gay Surrogacy in Kenya?


Thinking of Opting for Gay Surrogacy in Kenya?


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