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best vacuum for hardwood floors and carpet

Revitalize Your Flooring - Hardwood Refinishing and Carpet Cleaning Make Your Floors Look Like New!
Worn, marred, and dirty flooring can detract from the look of your entire home, but replacing your existing floors can cost a ton of money. That's why we recommend revitalizing your current floors instead of replacing them. Dingy carpets and scratched hardwood can be restored to their former glory with a little help from your local flooring specialists. For far less than replacing your flooring, they'll clean your carpets and refinish your wood floors, leaving your whole house looking clean and refreshed!

Hardwood Floor Refinishing

Hardwood floors add beauty and grace to any home, but years of wear and tear can make your wood flooring look dull and scratched. If your wood floors are lackluster, damaged, or aging, they need to be refinished. Through a simple process of sanding and resealing, your hardwood floors can look fabulous once again.

The first step is to sand down your hardwood flooring to remove the old finish and smooth out scratches, dings, and other rough spots. This ensures the floor is smooth, 
unblemished, and ready to take the fresh sealant. And while refinishing hardwood used to be a seriously dusty process, today's high-tech dustless sanding systems eliminate practically all of the mess. Once your floor is sanded, several coats of polyurethane finish are applied-protecting your floor and giving it that beautiful luster and shine. When the entire process is completed (usually over the course of several days), your hardwood floors will look just like new!

Although hardwood floor refinishing is a relatively straightforward process, it isn't a job for amateurs. DIY mistakes frequently include over-sanding, uneven sealing, and trapping in the sealant-major problems that can even destroy your hardwood! For the best results, it's important to leave hardwood floor refinishing to the professionals.

Carpet Cleaning

Standard household vacuums remove surface debris, but they can't reach deep into your carpeting to remove ground-in dirt and gunk-meaning over time your carpeting accumulates dust, pollen, bacteria, dust mites, pet dander, and other small particles. If your carpets are starting to look grungy or gray, it's time for a thorough carpet cleaning. The heavy-duty steam cleaning equipment used by the pros will deep clean your carpet, leaving it looking beautiful, fresh, and totally clean!

Professional carpet cleaning services use a steam cleaning process to remove debris embedded in your carpet fibers, leaving your carpeting fresh and your home a safer, cleaner environment. This hot-water extraction system works to eliminate built-up grime in your carpets in several steps. First, your carpet cleaners will start by spraying a super-heated carpet cleaning solution onto your carpeting. This cleanser works into your carpet fibers, loosening the debris and contaminants trapped there. Then they use a high-power vacuum system to rinse away the cleansers and dirt, quickly sucking it out to leave your carpeting as dry as possible. Finally, your carpet is groomed to speed the drying process and leave it looking fresh and clean. For delicate fabrics and carpets, dry carpet cleaning is also an option. See here best vacuum for hardwood floors and carpet

Carpet cleaning is relatively quick, incredibly affordable, and a great solution to replacing your carpeting when it's starting to show its age. So if your cream carpet is looking more of a pale gray or high-traffic areas are starting to appear a lackluster, it's time to call your local carpet cleaners  today.

best vacuum for hardwood floors and carpet
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best vacuum for hardwood floors and carpet

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