Profil von Dann Petty

Soma Water

I was fortunate enough to help Soma Water concept their latest website to show off their new product that's going to change the way we filter water.
Soma sells the most innovative water filter and carafe available today. Fast Company calls it the #1 design story of the year. With their simple subscription service, they mail you fresh filters every two months. Not only that, but they are teaming up with Charity: Water to help get water across the world to people in need. Every filter you buy helps bring clean, safe drinking water to those in need, through their partners at Charity: Water.
Here's a look at some of my concepts. I did several rounds but these were my favorites. You can see some of this made it to the current live site that just launched. Go check out Soma Water and help get clean drinking water in the hands that need it most.
I've never been so excited to drink water! :)
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Here are the actual screens:
Thanks for checking it out. Now go get a filter and get some people clean drinking water! It'll be the best $$ ever spent, not to mention healthy for you!
Soma Water

Soma Water

Concepts for the new Soma Water website.
