Benefits of organic fertilizer production in sheep farm

Sheep farms produce a lot of excrement every day. Some enterprises will discharge waste water and sewage to the outside, which is easy to cause environmental pollution and bad impact on the surrounding residents. It is suggested to integrate the environment of sheep farm or the regulation and treatment of excrement. Through a series of organic fertilizer machine, the excrement, waste water and sewage of sheep farm can be integrated. The small-scale breeding farm can form a fermentation pile, cover with film and ferment naturally. Large and medium-sized farms can integrate resources, build a fermentation trough, invest in a fertilizer production process, and make granular organic fertilizer. Its economic benefit is far higher than that of powdered organic fertilizer, and its commodity value is also higher.

Advantages of using sheep manure to produce organic fertilizer:
1. The fertilizer has a long effective period, long-lasting fertility, moderate fertility and pollution-free, which is a high-quality fertilizer for the production of organic, green and pollution-free food.
2. It contains a variety of trace elements, increases the content of soil organic matter, loosens the soil, improves the soil, and forms a high standard farmland. It is the only important and necessary fertilizer that can continue to improve the yield after the use of chemical fertilizer to the top.
3. Will not cause environmental pollution, and make full use of exchange can play a role in protecting the environment.
4. Reduce the energy consumption caused by the production of chemical fertilizer, and effectively promote plant growth.
5. Turn waste into treasure and reduce domestic garbage. 

fertilizer production Process
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