Profil von Nathan Rennick

Dot to Dot: Animation

Dot to Dot
For this project I had to make a 20 second video that had to start and end with a dot. I wanted to have fun with this so I started out with what crazy journey could a coin go on, after being dropped from someone's hand.
Once the storyboard was finalized I got to work on the various style frames in order to get an understanding for the overall look I wanted for my animation. I aimed to make 6 style frames for my overall style board.
I was inspired by old cartoons like Popeye, early Disney and the Peanuts. I found a few scenes and posters online and combined them to make my mood board. I then picked out 4 main colors I liked to choose my color palette for the entire animation. For the town shots, I took inspiration from Spanish and Mexican cities to give it a warmer feeling than the usual grey cities I see so often.
From here I went on to define the character designs to give them more appeal and try to make them stand out more.
From here I compiled the style board with the storyboard drawings to make the animatic and understand the timing of every scene before I started animating.
Then finally once I was happy with each shot I went over to toon boom harmony and started animating from the first shot. Thankfully because my style frames were quite detailed I was able to animate each element in Adobe After Effects, instead of having to do every effect and camera movement in toon boom, which would've taken a lot more time.
Dot to Dot: Animation


Dot to Dot: Animation
